Ktm 360 E/xc Cycle World APRIL 1996 . The 360’s bore-and-stroke figures (78.0 x 74.0mm) differ from the 250’s (67.5 x 69.5mm) in that the bigger bike has a larger bore than stroke. This oversquare configuration.
Ktm 360 E/xc Cycle World APRIL 1996 from wallpapercave.com
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1997 KTM 360 Features: FMF Gold Series Pipe and Turbine Core Silencer Aftermarket upper and lower triple clamps Renthal Fat Bars outfitted with Scotts Steering Stabilizer and Acerbis hand guards Aftermarket head light Also.
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This 84 page, 1996-1997 KTM 250 300 360 Engine Service Manual provides detailed service information, step-by-step repair instruction and maintenance specifications for 1996-1997 KTM 250 300 360 two stroke engines. This.
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Thinking about my next bike..Iv'e owned over 40 bikes over the years and i remember riding someones KTM 360 back in (96?). What about the (older)380 motor could it.
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